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Copyright : For Students

Resources pertaining to copyright compliance and copyright law.


Plagiarism is the appropriation of others ideas as your own. This can be done on purpose or not. Quoting or paraphrasing someone's work but failing to cite it, even by accident, it considered plagiarism. 

If you are ever unsure whether you should cite something you can always ask either your instructor or a librarian but usually when in doubt it is better to cite rather than not. 

Types of Plagiarism


  • Mixing words or ideas from an unacknowledged source in with your own words or ideas.
  • Mixing together uncited words and ideas from several sources into a single work.
  • Mixing together properly cited uses of a source with uncited uses.

Direct Plagiarism

  • A phrase or passage that is copied word for word, but not quoted.


  • Rephrasing another person's work and inserting into your own work without acknowledging the original source.

Insufficient Ackownledgement

  • Half crediting source; whereby your acknowledge the author's work the first time, but continue to use the author's words without giving additional attribution.

Student Honor Code

Violations of the Student Honor Code include the following forms of academic misconduct.

  • Cheating;
  • Plagiarism;
  • Dishonesty in any form, including lying, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration, falsification or any unauthorized use of Logan documents, academic or other official records, including, but not limited to papers, examinations, registration, financial aid materials, application forms, reports, forms, checks, or clinic records;
  • Buying or selling an examination or other instrument intended for ranking and evaluation without authorization;
  • Acting as a substitute for another person or using another person as a substitute in any academic evaluation process;
  • Knowingly permitting one's work to be submitted or reproduced by another person without the faculty member's permission; and
  • Collaboration on coursework without the faculty member's permission.

Plagiarism includes not giving proper citation to other idea or trying to pass others work as your own. It is not only a violation of Logan University policy but also a violation of copyright law.