Sacro Occipital Technic (S.O.T.): S.O.T. @ Logan

Library resources and recommendations for sacro occipital technic including information on courses and instructors at Logan.

S.OT. @ Logan

SOT ™ @ Logan

Logan’s Sacro Occipital Technic (SOT™) program is co-taught by Joseph F. Unger, Jr., D.C. and Mary C. Unger-Boyd, D.C.  Dr. Unger is a Fellow of the International Craniopathic Society (ICS) and Dr. Unger-Boyd is a Diplomat of the ICS, demonstrating advanced proficiency in Sacro Occiptal Technic and Chiropractic Craniopathy as taught by the founder and developer Dr. Bertrand Major De Jarnette and maintained though Sacro Occipital Research Society International (SORSI).

Course work in the elective classes at Logan are approved towards hours for certification through Sacro Occipital Research Society International (SORSI) and the Sacro Occipital Technic Organization (SOTO) International Alliance.

Logan SOT™ Club

The Logan SOT Club meets twice a week and taught by Dr. Mary Unger-Boyd.  This club provides the opportunity to learn the principle of SOT Methods of chiropractic and chiropractic craniopathy.  Skill development is accomplished with hands-on application (with supervision). 


S.O.T. Courses @ Logan

S.O.T. Course Descriptions

Beginning Sacro Occipital Technic
This course is designed to show competency in the philosophy, diagnosis, body mechanics, adjusting techniques, and management protocols utilized in Sacro Occipital Technique, which includes categorization, adjusting protocols, pelvic blocking, and basic cranial maneuvers. Offered in Trimester 7, 8, and 9.

Intermediate Sacro Occipital Technic
This course is a continuation of the previous specialized technique in Sacro Occipital Technic theory, protocols, and applications, with an emphasis on patient management and adjusting methods, includes extraspinal and cranial maneuvers. Offered in Trimester 8 and 9.

Advanced Sacro Occipital Technic
This course is designed to show competency in the philosophy, diagnosis, body mechanics, adjusting techniques, and management protocols utilized in Sacro Occipital Technic, which includes TMJ, adjusting protocols, management of viscera-somatic and spinal related conditions, and basic cranial maneuvers. Offered in Trimester 9.

S.O.T. Instructors

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Mary Unger-Boyd, DC, DICS, CACCP
Contact Info:

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Joseph F. Unger., Jr., DC, FICS
Contact Info:
314-872-9955 (Private Practice)