The article links included on this guide may lead to PubMed, Index to Chiropractic Literature, or a journal publisher. Please see each below for details on accessing full text.
Access full text in PubMed by clicking on the Logan Full Text icon. If we have full text, you will be taken to the PDF or a link to access. If we do not, you will see an interlibrary loan link to request the article (free).
Index to Chiropractic Literature
Look for a link in the URL field. If one is included, click it to access the full text and then look for a pdf of the article where available. If a link is not included in the URL field, look up the journal title in the Journal Holdings List to find out if Logan has online or paper access to that journal.
Publisher Site
The publisher site will display the summary or html version of the article. Look for a PDF link to view the entire article as it would appear in the journal.