NutrRC is the app for access to the EBSCO database Nutrition Reference Center.
Nutrition Reference Center™, the premier point-of-care tool designed specifically for dietitians and nutritionists, gives users access to a trusted resource for education, practice and research allowing them to provide the highest level of care possible.
To authenticate the Nutrition Reference Center app:
Log into Nutrition Reference Center through the library's databases page.
Click the Get Access Here link in the Spotlight section and enter your Logan email address. An email with an authentication key is sent to you. Note: You must use be able to access your Logan email on your device.
Access the email from your device and click the link found in the email to authenticate the application.
You have 24 hours to access the key from your device to authenticate the app. If the key is not used within 24 hours, it expires and you will need a new key.